calvin is six months old today. it is amazing how quickly the last six months have gone. he also cut his first tooth today (finally). he has been struggling with it for weeks now.
we interviewed an in-home daycare provider tonight. the lady was really nice, but there is something about in-home daycare that gross me out. i blame my friend kelly because she worked at an amazing in-home daycare/preschool and i feel like i hold everyone i interview to that standard, which i am quickly learning is impossible for anyone here to live up to. we interviewed a nanny that i really like but we are not sure that we can afford her. decisions, decisions...
i have been reading about plastic this week. there is so much information out there about the dangers of this seemingly invaluable material. i found what i feel is a reliable source and discovered that i should avoid 3, 6, & 7 plastics. i ran to the kitchen to check out the numbers on the bottom of all my plastic. nalgene bottles are 7! i had heard that nalgenes aren't good, but they were okay as long as they are not heated (as in the dishwasher). i looked at some alternatives, but they all seem to be aluminum and i hate metal tasting water. so i guess i will continue to hand wash my nalgenes. baby bottles are another plastic that is on the bad list. glass bottles seem dangerous to me, especially now that calvin is getting bigger and more independent. we do have glass storage bowls, which look old-fashiony and cute and allow for safe reheating in the microwave.
now i just have to worry about all the damage that is already done to my body because i have been drinking and eating out of plastic my whole life...