
I wish I was a Gilmore...

I have a small obsession with Gilmore Girls. (I am not sure if an 'obsession' can be small, but by small I mean healthy, not trekkie.)

A new episode is on tonight. I am giddy.


  1. I love Gilmore Girls too! I just started watching it last season, and I've been renting the older seasons to catch up--I'm midway through season 2 right now. Don't be ashamed of this obsession--even if you're obsessed on a trekkie level.

  2. I have prolly told you this, but I was on the set of the Gilmore Girls in 2001, and almost stole a lock from Rory's locker, but I wimped out.

    Doesn't Erik remind you of Michele?

  3. Erik...

    I just started watching the show also. I got seasons 1-5 for xmas. I love it! I am also in the middle of season 2! I have seen a lot of the episodes already though, because reruns are on abc family channel.

  4. jesse...

    Erik is totally a michele! He is a bit more happy go lucky,but just as neurotic.

    I would have paid BIG bucks for Rory's riped off lock from her locker.
