
birthday crown.. check.

one week until calvin's first birthday and a long to-do list to complete before then, but after some frustrating seam ripping, i just finished his birthday crown and i can cross it off the list. woo hoo! i saw these and just had to make one for calvin. i used wool felt from my stash and some linen tape i ordered from superbuzzy (i think) awhile ago to edge calvin's burp cloths. i put a fabric covered elastic band in the back. i loved embroidering the star. i wanted something to be on the front but i didn't want it to be a big something and the embroidery came out just as i had pictured in my head. simple, but it adds a specialness.

embroidery had been inspiring me as of late. i want to do some embroidery on a quilt or maybe a shirt for calvin...not sure yet. i want this book! (hmmm my birthday is this month...)

it will have to wait until after calvin's birthday because my to-do list is full at the moment. back to work.

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