this is my old desk. my used-to-be, very messy creative space. it was not very conducive to creativity as you can imagine. my master's degree has really taken a toll on my cleanliness (much to my husbands chagrin plus i was not the tidiest of people to begin with...). as i look at these photos i feel like one of the people on the british show how clean is your house. i watch and i wonder how people can let their house get so out of control messy. well now i know. firsthand.
here is my desk now:
beautiful, huh? i have already sewn a few things and kept it clean. i tried to label everything so that every 'thing' has a place. (i was very inspired by the office of my friends kelly + jen).
i feel so lucky to have a sewing space that can be a permanent space (in our old apartments i always took over the dining room table and had to pack up everything after a project was complete or when we wanted to eat dinner, ugh) so i am determined to keep it tidy. maybe i will try to post a monthly picture here so that i am accountable to you for keeping it straighted up. maybe that is too much commitment. i do believe that creativity leads to a messy desk, but also creating needs space, clean organized space. okay, i will keep it clean. at least for today.