

::columbia graduation::

::cloth napkins for the kids::

::dahlias planted in the porch planters::

::shoes:one pair to gift and one to keep::

::cloth diaper burp cloths::

the last month has been filled with graduation, lots of knitting and sewing, and spring planting. school ends wednesday and then i am ready for some relaxation time before baby makes her debut. if only the rain would stop so that i could lay in the hammock, sipping lemonade. i am trying to make the most of these rainy days and chip away at my crazy long, must do before baby arrives to-do list. i am off to do just that.


  1. Uuuuhhhh you make me sick! But only in the most: loving, envious, where do you get the time and still be an amazing mother and wife kind of way!

    I'm going to have another baby just so you can make me baby shoes!

  2. i could say that same about you lady!

    how did the big playdate go?

  3. The playdate was a shining success! I got 5 stars on Meetup. (Heeheehee) 16 toddlers and 10 moms. No injuries and very few spills! I think I will do it again.
