
weekly dinner menu

this has been a favorite dessert around here this week: mango puree with a blueberry on top.  i had made a big batch of mango puree for maeve, but we all ended up eating it before i could even freeze any of it.

on the menu this week:
m: chimichangas with rice
t: tilapia with quinoa salad (from everyday food this month)
w: leftover chimis
r: red rice with sausage and peppers (also from everyday food)
f: pesto pizza with asparagus and carmelized onions

sam usually cooks on saturdays and sundays so i leave those open.  i hope that posting my weekly menus here becomes a tradition, so that i can share them with you and so that i can remember what the heck i make.

what are you making this week?


  1. Loved the menu. Here is what I have, so far this week,
    Monday: I made lightly fried chicken with couscous and some steamed asparagus.
    Tuesday: shrimp quesadillas with salad and oranges.
    Tonight we had potstickers with chicken fried rice and steamed soybean/veggie mix.
    Thursday is laundry night so we'll have pizza at great place next door to the laundry mat.
    Friday: it's some yummy meatloaf with zucchini and almonds.

    Keep up the menu. It will give me ideas!

  2. nice jess! i think i should be coming over to your house for dinner instead of you coming to mine!!!
