
buy organic?

i usually try to buy organic fruits and vegetables.  i do this for a few reasons... one: i do not want lots of pesticides on/in the food my family and i eat.  two: i want to support organic farming practices and three: i think organic fruits and veggies taste better.  but we are on a super tight budget around here these days and sometimes organically grown food is SO much more expensive.  

one night while sam and i were going over our monthly food receipts (i know... we are such party animals), we started discussing whether or not some foods we buy really needed to be organic.  if we bought the conventional grapes, we would save a lot of money.  so i did some research.  i always keep a little list i typed out of the dirty dozen in my wallet, to make sure i always buy those foods organic, but my internet research led me to the clean 15.  have you heard of this list?  this is a list of 15 foods that don't have to be organic because they don't have much or any pesticides on them (after being peeled and/or washed).  i even found a handy wallet list (and iphone app for the technology saavy) so i don't have to type one up myself, it is ready to go! 

i know that buying and eating organic is the best choice, but when our budget doesn't allow for the premium price tag of some organic foods, it is nice to know which ones are okay to buy conventional.

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