
dough balls!

we usually make pizza on friday night.  it is a meal everyone loves and i like it because i don't really have to plan for that night, which is nice at the end of the week.  i do spice it up by making different kinds of pizza, which is usually a result of whatever we have in the fridge that needs to be eaten.

last week i decided to do something a little different and make pizza dough balls with the kids.  i used a ball of trader joe's dough and ripped it into 9 equal pieces.  i flattened each piece out and let the kids put the toppings in the middle (chopped bell pepper, graded zucchini, salami, grated mozzarella cheese).  once the toppings where in, i wrapped the dough around them and placed the dough ball seam side down on a baking sheet.  i brushed the top of each one with melted butter mixed with chopped garlic.  then i baked them at 425 for 15ish minutes.

after they were done, we dipped the balls into marinara sauce (which was a huge hit!  my kids love to dip!) as we ate them.  (sorry i forgot to snap a pic of the cooked balls as we were eating them and then my husband came home and ate all the leftovers very quickly).  i got this idea from somewhere out there in the internets, but i can't seem to find it to link to, sorry.

ps. if you lived in the dorms with me freshman year, then you might remember calling random people (before cell phones and caller id) and asking them to answer "pizza survey" questions about dough balls.  i was so excited to finally make them! (with the toppings on the inside :) 

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