
easter and stuff

we had a fun easter here. it included a trip to virginia to see family. we drove during the day(which we don't usually do so that calvin can just sleep the whole way down) because we were trying to arrive there at a decent hour, but this caused up to have to stop for dinner. we were in the middle of nowhere new jersey and decide to get off when the navigation showed a lot of restaurants. all we ended up finding was a denny's. i haven't eaten there since high school, but the food is exactly the same. exactly. even the menus are the same. it was like a time warp.

my sister and i made these little nests that i saw here. they were easy and fun to make, and not to mention delicious. welcome spring! now it just has to heat up... it might snow here tonight?!?! making these nests will be fun when cal is a bit older.

this was calvin's easter basket. all his goodies were in a pail this year with a shovel attached. i am looking forward to lazy summer days, when my master's work is done, and i can sit on the beach and dig in the sand with him.


(easter) bunny

i have successfully finished a stuffed bunny for calvin for easter. i used the free pattern from here. it was a bit frustrating at times but i am happy with the final result. i really like the patterned fabric that i used. at first i ruled it out because it was flowery and calvin is a boy (boys don't like flowery right?!?!) . but then i ruled it back in. i hope that calvin will be a boy who likes flowery. i mean who could not love this wee bunny? i need to work on my embroidery a bit. i want to do more of it. i think this book or maybe this one would help me. there is a great tutorial here that i used to help me with the belly button (calvin loves his belly button and any other ones that he can get to right now so i had to include one on the bunny). i made a french knot so that it would stick out a bit.

i started the tradition last easter of giving calvin an interesting easter basket each year. my friend ari's mom did this for her growing up. last year he got a trashcan (a hip, should i say 'fierce', one for his room). i am excited about this year's basket. i will be sure to post pics. on a side note... can a one year old eat peeps? i thought about getting calvin some, but i wasn't sure.

today is my friend jill's due date. i haven't heard anything yet, so i am assuming she is still prego. i am wishing her luck and an easy delivery (whenever it happens...). i am still working on her quilt so the longer he stays in, the longer i have to work on it. i had just finished calvin's quilt at about midnight the night before i had him and i always wonder if he was waiting for his quilt to be done before he made his debut. i hope jack is not doing the same thing? i better get quilting just in case.

free motion

i was inspired by a quilt i saw on a blog (i can't remember where, i am so bad at remembering, one link leads to another, i get inspired and start making something and then i forget where i was when the inspiring happened) and so i tried free motion quilting and it worked. it was fun to do, but hard to make the stitched even. i tried for awhile, but eventually gave up and decided to live with the unevenness, even like it a little.

this is the long awaited quilt for my friend's baby, who is now 5 weeks old already. all i have left is the hand stitching on the binding. i hope to finish it this weekend, but i am also working on a quilt for another friend who is going to her her baby boy any minute now. i can't wait to get the call (or text, hello this is the 21st century...) that it is time. good luck jill!

i finished calvin's week bunny today for easter. i love how it turned out. i will post pics soon.



this picture was taken at 6:30pm! the (one) good thing about losing an hour today is the lingering soft evening light shining in through the window... and that is a sure sign that the long dark days of winter are coming to a close and spring is on the way.
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because all i have looked at is student work and the computer for the last couple of days, i totally missed posting on the 29th! my project is done (for now) and turned in and i can get back to regular life. hello again.
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