
dogs, balloons, and stuff

i love japanese fabric. i especially love this linen fabric i just got. two of calvin's favorite things right now are dogs and balloons. so i HAD to get his fabric.

then i saw this one. cars and safari animals. ohhh. again had to get it.

i whipped these two bibs out last night and calvin already loves them. he is carrying around the one with the balloons and dogs everywhere.

i am thinking about making a little lunch/library bag out of the rest. i haven't quite decided yet though.

i have a huge week ahead. last week of my master's program...ever. i am very much looking forward to being done. also we have family visiting for a couple of weeks. i hope to get to some strawberry picking. all of the jam making around the blogisphere lately has got me itching to try making some. calvin just had toast with blackberry jam this morning for the first time and he loved it. the jam all over this face was precious.


gifts for maddy

i finished a quilt for maddy over the weekend. it is smallish quilt (30x30) in spring colors. it was nice to dig into my pink fabric stash. boys have abounded amongst my friends lately. maddy was a nice and needed addition.

i also made her this little (well not so little, actually HUGE) pink bib as well. and i couldn't resist buying this turquoise dress for the girl. i met her today and she is absolutely adorable and snugly and she exudes that wonderful new baby smell.

here is a picture of calvin sitting on maddy's quilt and i was trying to sew it. he wanted my full attention at the time. he is becoming more and more spirited everyday.


crossing things off the list

my to-do list is a bit shorter this week. i finished joey's quilt and got it in the mail.

here are some sneak peek pictures. i am loving the free hand machine quilting lately.

school is out and i have two weeks of my master's degree left. i can see the finish line. i am looking forward to summer days filled with play and water and sand and good friends. (and absolutely no research articles or ethnographer's books)

happy solstice!


almost done...

i am currently trying to negotiate a few things simultaneously. things that are almost finished, but not quite. the first of which is elementary school. we have a week and a half left and i have many little details to sort out before i can end the year and end my time at my current school...and then of course get a new job. i turned down one this week. it didn't feel right. i hope i made the right decision. it makes me nervous to turn down a job when i don't have another one, and i have to work. i have an interview on monday. wish me luck.

second, my master's degree. the class i am taking is my last of two classes. yipee! i only have 8 more sessions of one class left, and a week long seminar and then i am done with the whole degree. i am trying to cherish the last month because i know that the collegial conversations that we engage in during class are rare out there in the working world. i will have to try and change that without having teachers run away when they see me walk into the lunchroom.

third, i am almost done with a quilt that has been a long time coming. luckily the little one it is for is very patient. i was hoping to be done before madelyn was born, but she came on tuesday. i hope to meet her next weekend.

the brown rice and veggies i am cooking are also almost done...