i whipped up this nursing pillow once i realized that i could no long function with just one. the second child gets nursed anywhere she needs to be... at the breakfast table, in the car, in the hammock, out by our little pool... so i needed one for upstairs and one for downstairs. calvin leads the way most of the time and maeve and i follow him so we never quite know where we will end up.
i used the pattern in simple sewing for baby by lotta jansdotter. i used fabric and batting from my stash. it only took about a half hour to sew up, but it took a couple of days to stuff. i used almost two full bags of cotton batting... and i hate lumps so i tore it into little tiny bits before i stuffed it in. the shape is a bit different from the 'boppy' brand nursing pillow, but i like it. i wash the whole thing when it gets spit up on (almost daily...) and it washes great.