maeve is 6 (!) months already. she amazes me everyday. she loves to smile, especially when she is watching calvin, who is by far her favorite person to watch. she is a snuggler and a talker, making sounds constantly. many of her teeth are coming in at the same time so she drools more that i have seen any baby drool. multiple layers of clothing get soaked through. i even made her some special drool bibs, backed with some thick organic french terry (my cousin calls them her 'droolry'). there is nothing i enjoy more that watching her sleep, peacefully next to me, gently sucking her thumb.
it is tradition in my family to celebrate half birthdays until we reach the age of 10 so we celebrated maeve's first half year with a little singing and a little rice cereal (which maeve spit out every last bit of) and a new birthday crown. do you see that fancy embroidery? i have been practicing. i got this book on sale at michael's a few months ago (just after i made this) and i have found this simple, colorful handwork fun and relaxing. i did a stem stitch for the M and a straight stitch with french knots for the little stars. i love how it turned out.
happy half-birthday maeve!