
trust your training

today i cheered on my friend as she ran the new york half marathon.  a few of us made signs and raced around manhatten to see her four times during the two hours and four minutes it took her to run 13.1 miles.  she made it look so easy, but i know the struggle to put one foot in front of the other for even one mile can be challenging, let alone 13.1. but she had trained everyday for months, her body was ready to run.  one friend made a sign that said 'trust your training' (see picture above) and it got me thinking.  

becoming a parent also requires us to trust our training.  there is no one right way to parent or any way to tell if what we choose to do it right, but we have to trust in ourselves that we are making the best decisions, with the knowledge that we have, for our children.  'training' for parenthood starts with childhood when we were parented, then as we have kids we might add to that knowledge with classes, books/magazines/blogs, support groups to help us try to gather and sort through the massive amount of information there is out there and decide what is best for us and our families.  

a friend and i once remarked to another mom that she made parenting look so easy.  she scoffed and wondered how we could think that when she said she feels like she is barely surviving sometimes.  she said she hopes what she is doing is 'right'.  but then we got to talking about how parenting is something we have to  trained for.  we read books, we belong to moms' groups, we continually try things and reflect on what works for our children and what was only good in theory or for someone else's family.  with each new stage and age we 'train' ourselves so that we can continue helping our children become independent, empathetic, communicative, and loving little beings.

yes when it comes to parenting, it is a struggle at times to put one foot in front of the other and keep going, but   i will continue to train and trust that my training will help me to be the best mom that i can be.  i will do the best i can with the knowledge i have.  i will continue to train and adjust my parenting as i learn new things, and as my children grow and change.  i will rely on my instincts and stick to my beliefs, trusting that my training has and is worthwhile.  i am so proud of the little people my kids are today, through struggles and 'easy' times, i trust my training.

weekly dinner menu...

{here is a pic of the chimichangas from last week.  sam is all about the presentation so he made the flag of mexico on the top of each chimichanga with guacamole, sour cream and salsa... love it!}

this week is kinda crazy because we are going away for easter, but here is what i have planned:
monday :: raviolis with pesto sauce
tuesday :: enchiladas
wednesday :: panini with artichokes
thursday :: leftovers
friday :: vacation!

it is raining today so we will probably do some baking.  easter sewing will also be continuing this week.  i will get it done before easter!  i will share pictures soon!


weekly dinner menu

this has been a favorite dessert around here this week: mango puree with a blueberry on top.  i had made a big batch of mango puree for maeve, but we all ended up eating it before i could even freeze any of it.

on the menu this week:
m: chimichangas with rice
t: tilapia with quinoa salad (from everyday food this month)
w: leftover chimis
r: red rice with sausage and peppers (also from everyday food)
f: pesto pizza with asparagus and carmelized onions

sam usually cooks on saturdays and sundays so i leave those open.  i hope that posting my weekly menus here becomes a tradition, so that i can share them with you and so that i can remember what the heck i make.

what are you making this week?

welcome spring!

spring (so far) has brought with it some beautiful weather.  i took this picture last week during our disastrous storm.  the storm that cancelled a week of school.  we had a little damage but felt lucky compared with some of our neighbors.

but since last weekend we have had beautiful, spring/summer time weather.  we have been outside all day, only coming in for naps and bedtime.  bulbs are starting to awaken and trees are showing signs of leaves on their bare branches.  the sun upon our white winter skin is blissful.  we actually started cleaning and pruning around the yard on saturday.  we are hoping to win the blueberry war this year (the birds got every last one last year...).

hope this weather sticks around, march can be a fickle friend.  for now, welcome spring, blue skies and warm sunshine!


i spy with my little eye

i made an i-spy quilt for calvin.  it took me awhile... it was originally going to be a christmas present... then a birthday present... finally last weekend, it became a just-because present.

due to a bad storm school (my work) has been closed due to no power all week and it has been rainy so this quilt has been a major source of entertainment around here.  so perfect timing in the end.

he loves it.  i love how he describes the square he is spying.  today he spied one square "with hundreds of tea pots" when the square actually has about 20 tea cups.  i like to try to use vocabulary that he does not necessarily know to see how he figures it out.  for example, i spied a square with a lady in a red kimono and he picked up on 'lady' and 'red' to find the square and then we talked kimonos.  he can't contain his giddiness when i get close to the square he spied.  


hello spring? you're early.

this is what i found in the garden this weekend... the 60 degree weather has awaked the earth and all that lies beneath its surface. i love the warmer weather and warm outdoor air and especially not having to bundle up two little ones before going anywhere. hello spring, you're early, but that's okay with me.

first day

yesterday was calvin's first day of preschool.  i was filled with sentimental emotions the night before (how did my little baby boy get so big?) so i decided i need to do something, more specifically make something.  calvin needed to bring a little pillow and blanket to preschool with him for nap time so i decided to make a case for the pillow to match his blanket (he decided to bring the quilt i finished for him the night before he was born).

when he woke up in the morning, excited (read: very early) to go to school, he saw his pillow and love it.  he loved the turquoise part the best, because anything turquoise is the best (so says calvin...).

when i picked him up, he has so much he wanted to show me... from moon sand to a doctors kit to bikes in the gym room.  his first day was full of new things and new friends and a comfortable familiar blanket and new matching pillowcase make especially for him by mom.