

i made this little pinafore for maeve last week.  it is actually just a pattern test.  i created the pattern based on some clothing that we already own.  i used leftover fabric from calvin's birthday aprons, and i had just enough.  it fit perfectly!  although it was just a test, i love how it turned out.

the back has three snaps to close it.  i wanted it to be open-ish back there so that she could wear it now with something underneath and then later on in the summer she could wear it alone and stay cool.

the reason i made the pattern is to make one to gift to maeve's bff who just turned 1 year old!  i am now working on that one and i hope it fits the little recipient as well as it fits maeve.



easter baskets

calvin's easter basket was filled with: a wind up sheep, bird and chicken, a dino-soar, a seed kit, handmade pj pants, and the book little boy.  we used the felt basket from last year that my step-mom bought.  i love it and hope to use it every year!  i believe she bought it at world market.

and this was maeve little red basket.  her basket was filled with: a wooden rainbow, a wind up bunny and a butterfly, handmade pj pants and the tree book (bought locally and i can't find it online).

yay for easter!


weekly menu (a week late) and easter craftiness

this weeks dinners were a little crazy... so i did not get a chance to post our menu but here is what we ate:
m: roll up sandwiches with bell pepper spears & hummus
t: tuna salad
w: spinich ravioli and strawberries
r: pesto pasta with chicken and bread
f: chinese take out at a friend's house
s: flank steak, quinoa and veggies
s: pizza with salad

not sure what i am making this week yet. it is spring break so i might try some new/more complex recipes since i have a bit time, but my list of things to get done is growing quickly.

the picture above is maeve in her easter dress and bonnet. i made the bonnet from this pattern. it was really fun to sew up and it was quick, which is always so satisfying. i loved how it went with the dress (which is from target). i also sewed some pants for both of the kids. i used the method in the creative family. i made both of the pants match, which was cuter than it was cheesy. i did not take photos yet though so i will have to post pics later.

yay for easter bonnets and dresses and bare baby feet in lush green grass!


worry doll

cal made this 'worry doll' the other day and i can't get over how cute it is!  i love the little purple eyes and mouth barely visible above his large white beard and i love the long red pipe cleaner arms.  calvin announced that worry doll moved in with the farmer and his wife to help out with the farm.  so frickin' cute!