the snow is (finally) melting. i am starting to see the blades of grass that have been hidden for months now. i can smell the cold rain falling. this has been a long winter for this california girl. spring is coming... i am longing for spring with my whole self, but mindfully trying to savor these last days of winter. when my mind wanders to thoughts of gardening and bulbs blooming and no jackets, i try to pull it back to today, now. to help me rediscover the love for days spent (mostly) inside i pulled out a few favorites last week.
finger paints. this changed our whole afternoon. it was freeing and fun. calvin loved making everything turquoise. he liked the impermanence of making letters in the paint and then then painting over them to make new ones. maeve loved swirling the paint around and around.
button sorting. this was a spur of the moment idea and it turned out to be very entertaining. she sort and then dumps and repeats. she then carries it around like a little suitcase.
so for today we are enjoying out last few days spent (mostly) inside, seeing old things with new eyes and new possibilities. i am enjoying the closeness of my little ones as we share the same space, as i know once spring is here and we head outside, we will have much more physical space between us. for now, we can still enjoy hot cocoa and the occasional winter song (maeve asks for frosty the snowman daily), warm soup from a friend and flashlight fun after dinner. this california girl is going to savor these last few weeks of winter, be present and mindful of how fast they will go.