
feeling gifty?

this is a sneak peak at two gifts i just got into the mail. the first is to my little bako boy.

these two little gifts match this blanket that i made for him just after he was born.

i also got this belated gift in the mail:

i loved making this. (it has not been delivered yet... so i am being a bit vague as to what it is) it is an adapted pattern from this book. i did two things i had never done before: make my own bias tape and use fabric ink to stamp letters onto fabric. both came out awesome and were easier than i thought they were going to be. i foresee lots of bias tape making in my future. i used the fabric ink pads that i got at the renegade craft fair (from the small object).

also, speaking of gift giving... i really want someone to gift this book to me. maybe for my half birthday, which is aug. 25th? just saying...

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been able to call - but I LOOOOVE my two brand new changing pads! You are so clever to use the store-bought waterproof ones. Did you remember me telling you that the little house fabric was my favorite form Joey's quilt? It is precious. You are truly amazing!
