
book: bless us all

since i am a teacher i thought i would start sharing some of the books that i love to read with my children and/or with my students.

the first book i am sharing is a book i love to read with my children.  it was a gift for calvin for his first christmas and it has been a favorite ever since.  maeve now loves to hear it too.  it is written by cynthia rylant, who is a prolific and eclectic children's book author.  Bless Us All is filled with blessing rhymes for each month of the year.  each month 'blesses' things that one might see in that month.  for example, january is 'bless the houses snug and tight, bless the kitties day and night, bless the trees and bless the snow, bless us all when cold winds blow.'  the illustrations are simple and colorful.

a simple story that reminds us to 'bless the ones so dear to us, keep them safe and near to us'!

1 comment:

  1. quick question i'll run by you first

    i was thinking of suggesting to the group that we sign all the kids up for a secret book santa-- let elfster pick each of the kids a name and then we can send off a book for them for christmas.

    so that someone with, say three kids...sends out three books :) someone with one sends out one.

    do you think the non-moms would feel left out?
